You must have heard about State Specific ID in many forms or at the time of making an E Shram Card, and it is also compulsory to give you this State Specific ID, but many of you don’t know What Is State Specific ID?, and they even don’t know what the use of it to create E Shram Card.
Today we have given you complete details about State-Specific ID inside this post and told you to use of State-Specific ID, So read this post till the end to What Is State Specific ID? Understand What Is Your State Specific ID In E Shram Form.
State Specific ID is a 10-digit ID proof created by the Government of India, made separately for each state. With the help of State Specific ID Government know In which state you have been living for how many years and what is your residence address.
What Is State Specific ID
State-specific ID is an ID that indicates you are a citizen of a particular state. This ID ensures that you have lived in that state for many years. Documents such as ration cards, family IDs, Aadhaar cards, etc., are called state-specific IDs.

So far, State Specific ID Card has been made at very few places; if these cards have been made in your state, then it is okay. Otherwise, you can use a Ration Card (NFSA Card), Sambhal Card, and your Family ID Card instead of State Specific ID.
What Is The Meaning Of State Specific ID
State Specific ID shows you are a resident of a particular state for many years, State Specific ID is different for every State and every Person. Just like your Aadhaar cards, ration cards, family IDs, etc.
State Specific ID means that you have lived in which State now and how many years you have been living in that State; State Specific ID is different for every State and for every Person. Just like you all have your Aadhar Card and Voter ID to prove your Identity the same way your State’s Identity is known from State Specific ID.
What is state specific id e shram
In the e shram card online application form, you have to give a specific id in the resident’s details, the specific id is an Id in which it is written about which state you are from and how many years you have been living in that state.
State Specific ID e shram
When you apply for e shram card in online, you get the option to fill “state specific id” in your residential details, state specific id is that indicates you are a citizen of a particular state for how many years, Documents like ration cards, family IDs, Aadhaar cards, etc

If you do not have State Specific ID or State Specific ID has not yet been issued in your State, then you can write one of your Ration Cards (NFSA Card), Sambhal Card and Family ID in place of State Specific IDs In E Shram card form, In E Shram card form it is asked to know your State and for how many time you have lived in that State.
All India State IDs:
No | Name | State Specific ID |
1. | Andhra Pradesh | AP |
2. | Arunachal Pradesh | AR |
3. | Assam | AS |
4. | Bihar | BR |
5. | Chhattisgarh | CG |
6. | Goa | GA |
7. | Gujarat | GJ |
8. | Haryana | HR |
9. | Himachal Pradesh | HP |
10. | Jammu and Kashmir | JK |
11. | Jharkhand | JH |
12. | Karnataka | THE |
13. | Kerala | KL |
14. | Madhya Pradesh | MP |
15. | Maharashtra | MH |
16. | Manipur | MN |
17. | Meghalaya | ML |
18. | Mizoram | MZ |
19. | Nagaland | NL |
20. | Odisha | OR |
21. | Punjab | PB |
22. | Rajasthan | RJ |
23. | Sikkim | SK |
24. | Tamil Nadu | TN |
25. | Tripura | TR |
26. | Uttarakhand | UK |
27. | Uttar Pradesh | UP |
28. | West Bengal | WB |
29. | Chandigarh | CH |
30. | Pondicherry | PY |
31 | Andaman and Nicobar Islands | AN |
32. | Dadra and Nagar Haveli | DH |
33. | Daman and Diu | DD |
34. | Delhi | DL |
35. | Lakshadweep | LD |
क्रम संख्या | नाम | राज्य विशिष्ट आईडी |
1. | आंध्र प्रदेश | AP |
2. | अरुणाचल प्रदेश | AR |
3. | असम | AS |
4. | बिहार | BR |
5. | छत्तीसगढ़ | CG |
6. | गोवा | GA |
7. | गुजरात | GJ |
8. | हरियाणा | HR |
9. | हिमाचल प्रदेश | HP |
10. | जम्मू और कश्मीर | JK |
11. | झारखंड | JH |
12. | कर्नाटक | THE |
13. | केरल | KL |
14. | मध्य प्रदेश | MP |
15. | महाराष्ट्र | MH |
16. | मणिपुर | MN |
17. | मेघालय | ML |
18. | मिजोरम | MZ |
19. | नागालैंड | NL |
20. | ओडिशा | OR |
21. | पंजाब | PB |
22. | राजस्थान | RJ |
23. | सिक्किम | SK |
24. | तमिलनाडु | TN |
25. | त्रिपुरा | TR |
26. | उत्तराखंड | UK |
27. | उत्तर प्रदेश | UP |
28. | पश्चिम बंगाल | WB |
29. | चंडीगढ़ | CH |
30. | पांडिचेरी | PY |
31 | अंडमान और निकोबार द्वीप समूह | AN |
32. | दादरा और नगर हवेली | DH |
33. | दमन और दीव | DD |
34. | दिल्ली | DL |
35. | लक्षद्वीप | LD |
State Specific ID Meaning In Hindi
स्टेट स्पेसिफिक आईडी का मतलब है कि आप अभी किस राज्य में रह रहे हैं और कितने साल से उस राज्य में रह रहे हैं; प्रत्येक राज्य और प्रत्येक व्यक्ति के लिए राज्य विशिष्ट आईडी अलग होती है। जिस तरह आप सभी के पास अपनी पहचान साबित करने के लिए आपका आधार कार्ड और वोटर आईडी होता है उसी तरह State Specific ID से आपके राज्य की पहचान पता की जाती है।
Also Read : What Is Bonafide Certificate & How to download it.
State IDs:
01 | Andaman & Nicobar Is. |
02 | Andhra Pradesh |
03 | Arunachal Pradesh |
04 | Assam |
05 | Bihar |
06 | Chandigarh |
07 | Dadra & Nagar Haveli |
08 | Delhi |
09 | Goa, Daman & Diu |
10 | Gujarat |
11 | Haryana |
12 | Himachal Pradesh |
13 | Jammu & Kashmir |
14 | Kerala |
15 | Lakshadweep |
16 | Madhya Pradesh |
17 | Maharashtra |
18 | Manipur |
19 | Meghalaya |
20 | Karnataka (Mysore) |
21 | Nagaland |
22 | Orissa |
23 | Pondicherry |
24 | Punjab |
25 | Rajasthan |
26 | Tamil Nadu |
27 | Tripura |
28 | Uttar Pradesh |
29 | West Bengal |
30 | Sikkim |
31 | Mizoram |
State Specific Id Assam
State Specific Id Assam Is AS
Q. What Do We Write On State Specific Id On E Shram Form?
You can write one of your Ration Cards (NFSA Card), Sambhal Card and Family ID number in place of State Specific IDs In the E Shram card form.
Q. What Is The State Specific ID Of Uttar Pradesh?
The State Specific ID Of Uttar Pradesh is “UP”.
Q. Maharashtra State Code.
Maharashtra State Code is “MH”.
Q. State Specific Id Rajasthan
State Specific Id in Rajasthan is “RJ”.
Q. State Specific ID Bihar
The State Specific ID Of Bihar is “BR”.
State specific id Maharashtra
state specific id Maharashtra is “MH“
In this post, we have given you all the necessary information about What Is State Specific ID, What Is The Meaning Of State Specific ID, What Is State Specific ID E Shram, State Specific ID Meaning In Hindi and All India State IDs. If you have any doubts, you can ask by commenting below.